Saturday, December 18, 2010


The Lopez's Bro's and friends photos from their Oktoberfest trip.. Bup BUp!

Magens Day

SkimCaribbean Team Riders Enjoy A nice NW swell at Magens Bay, St. Thomas

Friday, December 17, 2010

SkimCaribbean gets over a 100 friends on the book of faces. has hit the point of over 100 friends! That's pretty epic guys, thanks for the web support, and keep checking out our website for more awesome skim news, videos, pictures, and more!


edited by: Alejandro Lopez

California Skimming ft. The Lopez Brothers and amigos

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Alejandro Lopez representing Skim Caribbean in the Victoria Skimboarding world championships in laguna beach california.

This past summer, The lopez brother's Alejandro and nick traveled to a selected few of the United skim tour events. Two of them in southern california and one a lil bit closer to home, Vilano beach florida in all three they were representing skim caribbean.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Wedge

The Lopez Brothers stopped by the famous Wedge to enjoy nice little waves. Here's what they saw.
edited by: Alejandro Lopez (password: mov)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Konner Kendall's First Edit

Konner captures a fun weekend skimming with the bros. Big ups to KK for this first attempt. Keep shootin kid!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lopezez spotted on the Tube

Tropical storm Otto is spinning on top of the Islands leaving record rains, flash floods, landslides and extra time to skim the net. Here are two videos of Alejandro Lopez, Nick Lopez and friends.

Video from Willbo89. Footage: St. John

Video from: Alejandro Lopez. Footage: St. Thomas

100% chance of skim with isolated slashers.

Morningstar Beach on the weekend has been the spot for VI skimmers since school's been back in. The beach has made a nice recovery after Hurricane Earl and the sand is back. The morning rain started, leaving the beach donkey free and clear for a fun skim. Rob Blakeney made a trip over and shot some great pics of the skimcaribbean crew. It's a good thing we got this session in. It's still raining 5 days later. Stay posted from new rider submitted posts and media.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gibney Beach Fun

Tommy Gibney, Nicolas Lopez and Alejandro Lopez mess around in Tommy's back yard. Skimming.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


View all

Making us proud. The Lopez boyz are Ripping the skim of Southern California this summer. They competed in the Aliso World Championship and have been enjoying some big Pacific swell. Photos by Rob Blakeney
Check this link for a few more shots.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Skimslam 2010 shots from Rob Blakeney

STT Skimslam 2010 round 2. Here is a another set of great shots from this years event. Photos by Rob Blakeney

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Skimslam 2010 Shots from Donna Mcgee

View all

Donna Mcgee was one of the many lenses down at the beach that day. Here are a few of the best shots.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Positive Is How We Skim video

Positive Is How We Skim from DiveHDV on Vimeo.

Skimslam 2010 high lights, shot by Jan Ruley. Jan came down to support Adam, Jahmal and the rest of the rippers. Thanks for the submission.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


The Fifth Annual St. Thomas Amateur Skimboarding Contest
SkimCaribbean chalks up another great Skimslam. Forty skimmers showed up to battle to be top of the Rock. The skim was small but glassy and allowed for some technical trickery. The judges were amazed at the progression of the skimming.
GROMS under 10
  1. Sam Wessinger
  2. Karson Kendall
  3. Sean Godfrey
  4. Dalton Parr
  5. Chet Martinusser
  1. Konner Kendall
  2. Jahmal Donavan
  3. Adam Lose
  4. Luke Patrie
  5. Tyler Nunez
  1. Logan Williams
  2. Julia Oileo
  3. Danielle Andrzejewska
  4. Grace Patrie
  5. Adelaide Jones
  6. Adia Thomas

  1. Nick Lopez
  2. Adam Fuller
  3. John Carpenter
  4. Chris Creque
  5. Micah Arnold

Youngest Competitor: Cole Margulis
Best Wipe-out: Adam Fuller
Best Sportsmanship: Carlos Lindquist
Special thanks to all the families that came down to support the skimmers of the islands. We couldn't do it without you.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Morningstar State of Mind.

The St Thomas boys enjoying fun south swell. The Brothers Whittemore, Lopez and Kendal skim a classic weekend day at the Morningstar Beach. Filmed by Josh on a Canon underwater point and shoot.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rut goes to Hawaii

I ventured to the place where Peter Brady almost
drown. Where the Minnow was lost and Magnum PI
pimped on chicks from the 80's. The Island Of Oahu,
getting lei'd right off the plain by a stranger.
I linked up with the girls from sol shred skim
and the skim league. Thanks for the hospitalities
and invite to the contest, Mahalo.
Check the videos from the

In the Spirit of the Kevorkian

I Think the antics shorely of drunken water sports events originated on the country of sunny shooorrees of califoooornia. BBBut the hole IDea Of aDDDing drinkkking to annnythiGn in St. thomas goees over VVerry welL. My Heineken Costum is calling to me. Bet you Could use a cold one Clarke. BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER,BEER,BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER,BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEER, BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ER.

B -ear.

Summer Sessions #2

Summer Sessions #2
Todd Clarke's lens caught the swells that blessed the Morningstar beach this Summer.