Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Skimslam 2010 Shots from Donna Mcgee

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Donna Mcgee was one of the many lenses down at the beach that day. Here are a few of the best shots.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Positive Is How We Skim video

Positive Is How We Skim from DiveHDV on Vimeo.

Skimslam 2010 high lights, shot by Jan Ruley. Jan came down to support Adam, Jahmal and the rest of the rippers. Thanks for the submission.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


The Fifth Annual St. Thomas Amateur Skimboarding Contest
SkimCaribbean chalks up another great Skimslam. Forty skimmers showed up to battle to be top of the Rock. The skim was small but glassy and allowed for some technical trickery. The judges were amazed at the progression of the skimming.
GROMS under 10
  1. Sam Wessinger
  2. Karson Kendall
  3. Sean Godfrey
  4. Dalton Parr
  5. Chet Martinusser
  1. Konner Kendall
  2. Jahmal Donavan
  3. Adam Lose
  4. Luke Patrie
  5. Tyler Nunez
  1. Logan Williams
  2. Julia Oileo
  3. Danielle Andrzejewska
  4. Grace Patrie
  5. Adelaide Jones
  6. Adia Thomas

  1. Nick Lopez
  2. Adam Fuller
  3. John Carpenter
  4. Chris Creque
  5. Micah Arnold

Youngest Competitor: Cole Margulis
Best Wipe-out: Adam Fuller
Best Sportsmanship: Carlos Lindquist
Special thanks to all the families that came down to support the skimmers of the islands. We couldn't do it without you.